Amiga Plus 2002 #11
Amiga Plus CD - 2002 - No. 11.iso
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Sashimi v1.7
Written by Olaf `Olsen' Barthel <olsen@sourcery.han.de>
Public Domain
Sashimi intercepts raw serial debugging output on your own machine; command
line options are:
Startup: [RECOVER=name]
[ON] [BUFK=n (n must be a power of 2)] [BUFFERSIZE=n] [NOPROMPT]
Runtime: [OFF] [SAVE] [SAVEAS=name] [EMPTY] [WAKE]
Sashimi is a tool to intercept the raw serial output of Enforcer, Mungwall,
and all tool and application debugging output that uses kprintf(). This
makes it possible to use serial debugging on a single Amiga, without
interfering with attached serial hardware such as modems and serial
This is a drop-in replacement for the "Sushi" tool, as written by Carolyn
Scheppner. Well, not exactly. Sashimi has a few different/new features and
does not support the complete feature set of the "Sushi" tool. Sashimi only
runs from Shell and requires Kickstart 2.04 or higher. Sashimi cannot patch
the older Enforcer at run time which means that you have to use Enforcer
V37 or an equivalent like CyberGuard.
Quick usage
Here's what's in my "S:User-Startup" file:
Run >NIL: MungWall NAMETAG
Run >NIL: Enforcer RAWIO
All standard serial debugging functions are intercepted. Currently, the
patch to the serial debugging input function just returns a `y'. Standard
serial debugging output and Enforcer output go into Sashimi's circular buffer
(the size is user-definable, with a default size of 32K), where it is
noticed by the Sashimi process and written to the output window. The
Sashimi process is signalled whenever a carriage return or linefeed comes
through kprintf().
Sashimi has several startup options, and several runtime options:
Startup: [RECOVER=name]
[ON] [BUFK=n (n must be a power of 2)] [BUFFERSIZE=n] [NOPROMPT]
Runtime: [OFF] [SAVE] [SAVEAS=name] [EMPTY] [WAKE]
Startup options
RECOVER=name Sashimi will search the Amiga memory for the buffer created
and maintained by a previous invocation of Sashimi. This is
useful if the system crashed before you had any chance to
save the Sashimi buffer to disk. While the search is in
progress the system will be frozen. There is no guarantee
that Sashimi will find any older buffer or that the contents
of the buffer found will still be intact. Once the data is
found, it will be saved to the file with the given name.
Sashimi will exit immediately after processing the recovery
command. No further action will be taken. Depending on whether
it was successful in recovering the data, Sashimi's return
code will be either 0 (= success) or 5 (= failure).
ON Default (not required)
BUFK=n Changes the circular buffer size from default 32K to specified
power-of-2 K from 4K to whatever you like, i.e. BUFK=8 will
allocate a buffer of 8192 bytes.
BUFFERSIZE=n Changes the circular buffer size from default 32K to specified
buffer size, i.e. BUFFERSIZE=8000 will allocate a buffer
of 8000 bytes.
NOPROMPT Turns off the "Sashimi installed" prompt. This is useful if
the Sashimi output is redirected to an AUTO CON window such
as in conjunction with the CONSOLE option.
QUIET Causes Sashimi to just buffer all debugging output.
This effectively silences serial debugging output.
ASKSAVE Cause Sashimi to ask you if you want to save the buffer
when you exit Sashimi. If there's nothing in the buffer,
it won't ask.
ASKEXIT Cause Sashimi to ask you if you *really* want to exit if
a [Ctrl]+C signal is received. This is good for people like
me who might accidentally hit [Ctrl]+C in a Sashimi window
when they meant to do it somewhere else. This option should
only be used if Sashimi has an input stream - i.e. if Sashimi
is not run/redirected, or if Sashimi has in/out redirection
in a CONSOLE window.
TIMERON Cause Sashimi to wake up every 1/10 second to check for
output. Without this option, Sashimi will just wake up every
time a carriage return or linefeed is output.
CONSOLE This will make Sashimi open a console output window for itself
which all input and output will go into. Unless you provide a
console window specifier (see WINDOW option), Sashimi will use:
CON:0/20/640/100/Sashimi [Ctrl]+E=Empty [Ctrl]+F=File [Ctrl]+D=Reset console/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT/INACTIVE
WINDOW=name This option works in conjunction with the CONSOLE option and
allows you to override the default console window specifier.
Runtime options
OFF Signals the active running copy of Sashimi to exit.
EMPTY Finds the active running copy of Sashimi and empties its
SAVE Finds the active running copy of Sashimi and saves its buffer
as "T:sashimi.out".
SAVEAS=name Finds the active running copy of Sashimi and saves its buffer
as the specified file name.
WAKE If Sashimi currently running in quiet mode, this option will
wake it up. The effect is that Sashimi will immediately dump
the entire buffered FIFO to its output and start to behave
as if the QUIET option had never been used.
Example startup usage
Sashimi ASKSAVE (in its own shell window)
Run >NIL: Sashimi >"CON:0/20/640/120/Sashimi/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT/INACTIVE" ON NOPROMPT
Run Sashimi >ram:hits (all output redirected to a file)
Keyboard and Break signals
[Ctrl]+C: To quit Sashimi, [Ctrl]+C it (if it has its own window), send it
a [Ctrl]+C signal with the Break command, or run Sashimi a second
time with the OFF keyword.
[Ctrl]+D: This sends a control sequence to the output console to reset it.
Very handy in case garbage data has changed the character set
or the text rendering colours.
[Ctrl]+E: Tells Sashimi to empty (clear) its buffer.
[Ctrl]+F: Tells Sashimi to save its own buffer to the file "T:sashimi.out"
Other runtime usage
Sashimi OFF ; tell active running Sashimi to try to exit
Sashimi SAVE ; save buffer of active Sashimi
Sashimi SAVEAS ram:myhits EMPTY ; save buffer as ram:myhits and clear buffer
Usually, I just hit [Ctrl]+F in the Sashimi window, and it saves its buffer
as "T:sashimi.out".
Programmer interface
Sorry, no programmer interface. "Sushi" had one, but I did not see much
sense in replicating this functionality.
Why "Sashimi"?
I got bitten by bugs in "Sushi", and not just once. Whenever the Sushi
circular buffer would wrap around, there was a good chance part of the buffer
would still be filled with random data when getting saved to disk. If a large
amount of data would be sent through the kprintf() interface, Sushi would
occasionally "hickup" and regurgitate stale data from its buffer. I took
this as indications that the Sushi buffer management code was none too
robust. Another thing that struck me as odd was the fact that sometimes
Sushi would stop reporting incoming kprintf() output and effectively behave
as if it had been stopped with [Ctrl]+C. Sushi also had a tendency to block
screen output when printing its buffer; it would output the buffer in a
single Write() operation, causing the console window to lock the display.
And while that operation was in progress, you could not suspend window output
or stop it.
Sashimi tries to do better in these situations. The algorithms for
maintaining the circular buffer (or FIFO) are different. And just in case
there is a bug in the code, I have provided the complete tool source code.
Sashimi was written by Olaf `Olsen' Barthel, with "Sushi" by Carolyn
Scheppner as a reference. Sushi was in turn influenced by the "Reporter"
and "Detective" tools written by Steve Tibbett and Christian E. Hopps.
My postal address:
Olaf Barthel
Brabeckstrasse 35
D-30559 Hannover
Federal Republic of Germany
My e-mail address:
Sashimi 1.7 (26.6.2001)
- Added the WAKE option.
Sashimi 1.6 (20.6.99)
- Sashimi could cause the entire system to hang due to an
unmatched Disable() in the RawPutChar wedge [David Gerber].
- If Sashimi is not already running "Sashimi OFF" will no
longer restart it.
Sashimi 1.5 (8.2.99)
- Made the FIFO access routines into atomic operations. This
reduces the risk of two programs trying to modify the
FIFO bookkeeping variables at the same time.
- Fixed a bug in the FIFO management code which would cause
Sashimi to regurgitate stale data after a buffer overrun.
Strangely, this was one of the bugs in Sushi I wanted to
- Added the new RECOVER functionality.
Sashimi 1.4 (11.9.98)
- The Sashimi RawPutChar() patch now saves and restores
the contents of A0 and A1. This is necessary since
the KPutStr() code relies upon A0 to remain unchanged
after each call to RawPutChar() [Stuart Kyzer Caie].
Sashimi 1.3 (07.04.98)
- Updated the console window title text
Sashimi 1.2 (05.04.98)
- Added the [Ctrl]+D console reset command.